Lucy Harris
and Michael Kosmides perform a theramin duet at
the LabCulture Symposium.
studio hire
We offer a comprehensive service
to artists and creative professionals, which includes sound,
video and multimedia production facilities.
video, multi-purpose
Studio rates are set on two bands,
according to your budget. Ring the above number to discuss.
The sound studio is equipped to develop
multi-track, surround and stereo projects based around a Mac
G4 and MOTU 828 sound card. Video Edit Suite is comprised
of a G5 running Final Cut Pro and is HDV capable. Additionally
there is a multi-purpose, surround sound 5.1 space available
for presentations and experimental projects.
Further information
equipment hire
hire and technical support are normally quoted for on-site
use, within normal business hours. We can arrange out of
hours use of equipment, subject to availability of staff.
Charges for technical support will apply, but can be packaged
within your project budget at an agreed rate. To use certain
items of equipment, you will need to demonstrate previous
experience, if in doubt ask.
Most of our equipment is configured for on-site use. A few
items are insured for off-site use or may be dry hired on
proof of insurance by you.
Cut Pro
A G5 Mac configured to edit
DV with broadcast monitor and Sony DV deck
A good quality DV camera
insured for off-site use, with tripod
A G4 Mac running Apple Logic and
DP4 with a MOTU 828 sound card
A range of studio mikes, portable
Pro Tools MBox and midi keyboards
After Effects, DVD Studio Pro, Logic
Pro, DP4, Flash, Director, Max/Msp, Jitter
Various sensors including sonar and
motion detection
Sony XVGA video/data projector (note you
will need to show proof of insurance for off site
You may dry hire the equipment to include
technical support or an editor.
Call to discuss