Hill is Creative Director at the Eden Project in Cornwall.
She has seen it develop right from the start and offers
her candid thoughts on its successes and failures. Sue
has been a key figure in the Cornish art scene and a
long time member of Knee High Theatre Company.
has been phenomenally successful, what do you think are
the keys to
this success?
Epic architecture.
Re-inventing the wheel on a daily basis. Useful levels of disrespect for how
things have been done before. Doing stuff for the sheer joy and exhilaration
of it.
There are art projects all over
the site throughout the year, how do you
organise all this stuff?
Seat-of-the-pants, skin-of-our-teeth, 60+ hours
a week. GSOH.
Eden has a number of objectives, how does creativity slot
into the mix?
mainly looking at sustainability here - how we trade,
travel, eat, heal, build, farm, play, without compromising
the systems that the planet needs to function.
believe that if we are all to have a happy future, it
will only be through the exercise of imagination and
creativity. We can imagine other ways of being, and use
our ingenuity to make them happen. So that's what we celebrate
and promote.
seen it grow right from the beginning - what are your
impressions of this 'journey'?
in 2001, just before opening, John Allen (one of the
original bionauts from the Biosphere closed ecosystem
projects in Arizona) asked me how it was all going. I
told him it was a bit like riding a very scary tidal
wave. He said 'How is your Chaos Theory Sue?' 'Nonexistent'
'Well what you have to understand is that Chaos is a
beautiful thing. When you're in Chaos you can change
things in a moment. In Stasis you can put a nuclear bomb
under it and nothing'll shift. Learn to love it'.
What kind of stuff really excites you creatively?
Getting dirty.
you got a favourite pair of shoes, if so describe them?
am the Imelda Marcos of Cornwall, so picking one pair
is pretty tricky.
Proper Argyll rubber wellies with fluffy Damart liners.
Yellow satin Beijing
Opera pumps with black piping. Awesome red leather high
heels with wings on
the ankles, impossible to walk in ('Dahlink, you'll never
have to walk, men
will carry you...') Now you're sorry you asked.
seems to be taking off at the moment with Objective
1 money. What
do you hope will come out of this?
is just coming out the other end of Objective One. We
could do worse than take the advice of Michael D Higgins
their former Minister for Arts and
Culture - 'It is precisely when you have stagnation in
the economy, when you
can't create jobs in the old way - that is the time when
you should be
investing in culture, because you are then investing in
tolerance, you're
investing in diversity, you're investing in creativity
and imagination'.
What would be your one piece of advice to people embarking
on big projects
like Eden?
Stay human. Corporatism is death.
Is Iraq evil?
I don't believe in evil. Stupid, greedy, ambitious, chauvinistic,
uneducated, yes. But we're talking individuals here, not
How do artists get in touch with the Eden Project?
Send images/ideas to me (no slides or originals please).
Sue Hill, Artistic Director, Eden Project, Bodelva, Cornwall
Anything else?
Topweird moment at Eden - going shopping in St Agnes Spar
with Jarvis
Cocker. He bought champagne, I bought lambchops. |