Thomas has spent the last six months travelling around
Europe in a VW camper with his family. Here he describes
his experiences as the journey nears its end. His web
site is at
motivated you to plan mundusloci?
number of different factors came together in the development
the project. I think the original motivation to do a
major trip came from my partner, Gerry and her itchy
feet. It was, in the first place, a family decision to
radically, if temporarily, change our situation. Not
so much a case of having to escape, but more about it
being possible and having the will to do it. Although
our resources where/are pretty limited we are both self
employed - living on a pretty low income but not tied
to a permanent or even part time employment. We are in
the lucky position of owning our home which when let
at a market rent gave us a small monthly income. This,
along with some savings, made the trip possible. It was
also a kind of now or never situation as far as our children
were concerned. Finn who is nine and Milo five, were
both in school but we were not (unlike current obsessions)
so concerned with training them to past tests and felt
confident that they could do just as well, if not better,
in the ‘primary school of life’ as it were.
For some time my work has involved travel either directly
or indirectly and ideas of location are central to my
practice. So it was an obvious step for me to look at
this life decision in terms of an art project. Like most
artists, my practice has to compete with various other
money making jobs and responsibilities. I had been heavily
involved in co-ordinating and curating the artistic programme
at Re.projects and I felt I needed to spend some time
concentrating on my own work. I had been investigating
the possibilities of international residencies, but I
kept coming up against the same problem. None of the
organisations I found could cope with an artist with
a family. They all seemed to be based on the romantic
model of the artist as lone creator who only has himself
and his work to consider. It became clear that I would
have to invent my own kind of residency. This false idea
of the artist as outside real life was also behind my
desire to include my family in the presentation of the
project, particularly through the web site.
Before Mundusloci I had been involved in a number of
international projects both as an individual artist and
as a the co-ordinator and curator working with Re.projects.
I knew the benefits of international collaboration especially
when one lives and works, as I do, in an artistic backwater.
So the idea of developing new contacts with artists and
organisations in new places and opening up possibilities
for my own work and for future collaborations was another
motivating factor behind mundusloci.
How did you test your ideas and concepts?
think the only real way of testing ideas is through practice
and presentation. There is the natural process of testing
ideas through dialogue with colleagues and friends, not
to mention family. I also presented the project to a
number of organisations I hoped would support or collaborate
with the project. I was short-listed for an Arts Council
SW award but failed to get it. I think they balked at
the ambiguous nature of my work. I had positive noises
from a couple of galleries and of course PVA made an
invaluable contribution with a equipment grant and continuing
the time scale of mundusloci, how have you tailored
your approach and decided your priorities?
I went wrong was to imagine that a six month lead-in
and a six month project would give me plenty of time
to do all I wanted.
I have been working to a number of different agendas.
Some things had been set up beforehand like taking part
in the 25hrs video festival in Barcelona and spending
time at Farrera, in the Pyrenees. I also had other deadlines
to meet along the way, like producing a work commissioned
by the Pineapple in Malmo. So some priorities were predetermined
to some extent. And of course getting the web site up
and running was important so we could keep some kind
of communication going. But I also wanted to leave things
open enough to allow ideas to develop out of the activity
of travelling and being in different locations.
what extreme would you go to make new work?
the country for six months seemed quite extreme to
some, but it’s not really.
you support yourself wholly from your practice as an
Ha! No. Although I do get commissions
and occasional paid exhibitions I have to supplement
this with whatever other work I can get. Quite a lot
of the work I have been doing in recent years has been
art related, as in working at Re.projects and Stroud
Valleys Artspace - it has always been easier to get
paid as an administrator than as an artist! But I now
view the co-ordinating and curating work as part of
my practice and I think it does bring a different perspective
to my own work. Besides this I still find myself doing
all sorts of other temporary work to raise cash. In
the last year before leaving the country I have been
a roofer, tensile membrane structure erector and a
web designer. While travelling I have also been carrying
out some research for the organisers of a arts conference
planned for next year.
your favourite breakfast?
Strong black coffee,
fresh fruit - melon, peach, fresh figs - with yogurt
and honey (The availability of above items in S. Europe
was in fact main motivation for project).
have you balanced working as an artist with caring
for your children on this trip? Do you see any distinction?
things just have to be done. Which is why
I haven't finished anything yet! There is
always a balancing act to be done, wherever
you are. And I do still see a distinction.
My life and my art are not that perfectly
intertwined! But it’s not just childcare as such, it’s the
whole thing of travelling as a family. It takes up so
much time - like moving house every week or two. It’s
not just time spent on the road, which takes time, but
the finding a place to stay, setting up your home, feeding
everyone, finding the food, communicating in a language
you don’t understand. And when you have
recovered from that you can think about doing
some work - after locating a reliable internet
connection, sourcing the materials you need,
finding the right location for filming or
is your worst technical nightmare?
art with computers. Or maybe being stuck in a beautiful
mountain village with a new mac lap top with un-configured
e-mail and a dodgy Spanish dial up connection from
an old PC whilst trying to get a major new web project
up and running.
has supported many artists in recent years and much
of the work is experimental. Is mundusloci experimental?
What will be the finished, 'curated' approach?
I’ve never done a project that involved spending
six months travelling around Southern Europe before.
Yes, I think it is experimental in terms of my own practice.
I make no claims to it being a ground breaking concept
or anything but I am definitely working in ways and with
issues and technology that I have not worked with before.
At this time the project is constantly developing - within
the restrictions that I find myself up against - it is
all work in progress. and although I put a lot of store
in the art of process, there is often not a lot to show
for it while that process continues. I think things will
continue to develop when the travelling is over and there
will be the opportunity to produce work that will be
more ‘finished’ and to present the ‘curated’ project.
I hope to have the opportunity to present some kind of ‘result’s
in a gallery context next year.
have you maintained contact and kept dialogue flowing
with your audience and 'host' organisations?
bit of sore point that. E-mail and the web site were
the favoured channels of communication but it has been
a continuing problem - more of a series of fractured
monologues than a dialogue. We have been able to get
access to web mail practically everywhere but at times
it has meant a three-day search for the internet cafe
or a 3 hour commute by bus to check your empty mail box...
Had I had the budget to kit out a high tech van with
satellite links and all it would have been a different
story. But then the fallibility of technology and communication
is one of my themes, so....
Is mundusloci a good model for artist-led initiatives
networking internationally and why/why not?
No, much as I wish it could be. I made far more international
contacts at home in my office via the web and with easy
and convenient e-mail connection. It has proved notoriously
difficult to track down interesting artists on the ground.
I did make this job harder for myself by avoiding main
urban centres where artists tend to congregate, but even
in the cities it can be very hard finding information
about independent artists networks through any of the
usual channels. Having said this I have made one or two
excellent contacts that I hope will develop into continued
collaborations of one kind or another.
Define three, essential qualities with regard
to your development as an artist that mundusloci has brought to light.
1. I actually rather prefer working
to a deadline. 2. There will never
be enough time. And 3. I’d rather
go swimming than sit staring at a
computer screen....13. Do you ever
feel you are working in isolation,
from the 'real world', how did you
resolve any problems - what mechanisms
were put in place to ensure things
ran smoothly for everyone?
I find my problem is not being able
to get away from the ‘Real’
world. If fact, mundusloci aside,
I try to keep in contact with the
real world - I use that phrase advisedly
- as much as possible. It is one
of the advantages of living in an
artistic backwater - and having to
work in other fields - you can not
sink completely in the art world
swamp. Part of the idea behind mundusloci
was to put myself in a position of
working in some different real worlds.
And making contact with other artists
and organisations is a good way to
avoid isolation. But having said
that travelling brings its own kind
of isolation. There is the isolation
of having no firm connection with
a place, of not having time to create
connections. We have also been in
the strange position of not quite
fitting in with other mobile communities.
We obviously most resemble the family
on holiday but although it has indeed
felt like a holiday quite often I
have had other agendas. The whole
notion of travel is a hard one to
pin down. As far as putting mechanisms
in place I think we have basically
just make it up as we go along. It
is an experimental project you see.
What has this experience brought to your work
as an artist? And to you and your family?
I kind of find it hard to say at
this stage what it has bought to
me and my work. I think I will need
to gain some distance from the process
before I can assess these things
properly. It has certainly been an
interesting experience from a family
perspective. We have learned how
adaptable our kids can be. We are
also now sure of the absolute futility
(for us) of attempting home education.
I don’t think anyone regrets
taking the decision to do it.
after this road trip so far, would you describe or
define your practice?
my practice has always been something
I have had difficulty with. I hate
that question "so what
do you do?". It seems a pointless exercise trying
to name a category that my work might fit in to, although
I’m sure there is one described in some thesis somewhere.
But as I was saying earlier, the process of developing
ideas has always been important to me, being there is
often half the work, or there may be no
’finished product’. The ‘results’ of
the process may be a video, an installation or a web
site, but it could rarely be described as documentation.
I see these ‘finished’ works
as points in the process not end
results. Material my be reused in
new work -years later sometimes.
But the process it self is often
invisible to the audience, maybe
only alluded to in written texts
accompanying works. It is this difficult
line between art and life I guess.
The line between ones experience
of life, as an artist (a normal person,
that is) and the attempt to communicate
those experiences, ideas, doubts
through this weird medium called
Can you write 'hello, good-bye, be
seeing you' in the language of each place you have visited?
si, oui, si, da, da.
Hola, hola, bonjour, ciao, bog, zivjo
Adios, adue, au revoir, ciao, do vidjenja, nasvidenje.
Or as my computer spellcheck might have it.
Is, sin, our, sir, dad, Dom.
Holier, hole, Bangor, Cairo, bog, Ziv
Adios, ado, au revere, Cairo, do ?, ?
but of course everyone understands English!
What is the worst and the best thing anyone has ever
said about your work?
Oh, that’s nice.
is the piece of work you most revere (not your own!)?
James Turrell’s Rodan volcano in Arizona.
Because of its/his outrageous ambition and sense of scale
in both space and time even though you have to admit
to a certain distaste for its American imperialist undertones.
Incidentally my last big piece of work in England was
a shanty town garden shed built out of the wreckage of
Turrell’s Cornish Sky Chamber.